mod and the Filesystem

We’ll start our module example by making a new project with Cargo, but instead of creating a binary crate, we’re going to make a library crate: a project that other people can pull into their projects as a dependency. We saw this with the rand crate in Chapter 2.

We’ll create a skeleton of a library that provides some general networking functionality; we’re going to concentrate on the organization of the modules and functions, but not worry about what code goes in the function bodies. We’ll call our library communicator. By default, cargo will create a library unless another type of project is specified, so if we leave off the --bin option that we’ve been using so far our project will be a library:

$ cargo new communicator
$ cd communicator

Notice that Cargo generated src/ instead of src/ Inside src/ we’ll find this:

Filename: src/

mod tests {
    fn it_works() {

Cargo creates an empty test to help us get our library started, rather than the “Hello, world!” binary that we get with the --bin option. We’ll look at the #[] and mod tests syntax a little later, but for now just make sure to leave it in your src/

Since we don’t have a src/, there’s nothing for Cargo to execute with the cargo run command. Therefore, we will be using the cargo build command to only compile our library crate’s code.

We’re going to look at different options for organizing your library’s code which will be suitable in a variety of situations, depending on the intentions you have for your code.

Module Definitions

For our communicator networking library, we’re first going to define a module named network that contains the definition of a function called connect. Every module definition in Rust starts with the mod keyword. Add this code to the beginning of the file, above the test code:

Filename: src/

mod network {
    fn connect() {

After the mod keyword, we put the name of the module, network, then a block of code in curly braces. Everything inside this block is inside the namespace network. In this case, we have a single function, connect. If we wanted to call this function from a script outside the network module, we would need to specify the module and use the namespace syntax ::, like so: network::connect(), rather than just connect().

We can also have multiple modules, side-by-side, in the same src/ file. For example, to have a client module too, that also has a function named connect, we can add:

Filename: src/
mod network {
    fn connect() {

mod client {
    fn connect() {

Listing 7-1: The network module and the client module defined side-by-side in src/

Now we have a network::connect function and a client::connect function. These can have completely different functionality, and the function names do not conflict with each other since they’re in different modules.

While in this case, we’re building a library, there's nothing special about We could also make use of submodules in a as well. In fact, we can also put modules inside of modules. This can be useful as your modules grow to keep related functionality organized together and separate functionality apart. The choice of how you organize your code depends on how you think about the relationship between the parts of your code. For instance, the client code and its connect function might make more sense to users of our library if it was inside the network namespace instead, like so:

Filename: src/
mod network {
    fn connect() {

    mod client {
        fn connect() {

Listing 7-2: Moving the client module inside of the network module

In your src/ file, replace the existing mod network and mod client definitions with this one that has the client module as an inner module of network. Now we have the functions network::connect and network::client::connect: again, the two functions named connect don’t conflict with each other since they’re in different namespaces.

In this way, modules form a hierarchy. The contents of src/ are at the topmost level, and the submodules are at lower levels. Here’s what the organization of our example from Listing 7-1 looks like when thought of this way:

 ├── network
 └── client

And here’s the example from Listing 7-2:

 └── network
     └── client

You can see that in Listing 7-2, client is a child of the network module, rather than a sibling. More complicated projects can have a lot of modules, and they’ll need to be organized logically in order to keep track of them. What “logically” means in your project is up to you and depends on how you and users of your library think about your project’s domain. Use the techniques we’ve shown here to create side-by-side modules and nested modules in whatever structure you would like.

Moving Modules to Other Files

Modules form a hierarchical structure, much like another structure in computing that you’re used to: file systems! We can use Rust’s module system along with multiple files to split Rust projects up so that not everything lives in src/ For this example, we will start with this code in src/

Filename: src/
mod client {
    fn connect() {

mod network {
    fn connect() {

    mod server {
        fn connect() {

Listing 7-3: Three modules, client, network, and network::server all defined in src/

which has this module hierarchy:

 ├── client
 └── network
     └── server

If these modules had many functions, and each function was getting long, we would have to scroll through this file to find the code we wanted to work with. This would be a good reason to pull each of the client, network, and server modules out of src/ and into their own files. Let’s start by extracting the client module into another file. First, replace the client module code in src/ with the following:

Filename: src/

mod client;

mod network {
    fn connect() {

    mod server {
        fn connect() {

We’re still defining the client module here, but by removing the curly braces and definitions inside the client module and replacing them with a semicolon, we’re letting Rust know to look in another location for the code defined inside that module.

So now we need to create the external file with that module name. Create a file in your src/ directory, then open it up and enter the following, which is the connect function in the client module that we removed in the previous step:

Filename: src/

fn connect() {

Note that we don’t need a mod declaration in this file; that’s because we already declared the client module with mod in src/ This file just provides the contents of the client module. If we put a mod client here, we’d be giving the client module its own submodule named client!

Rust only knows to look in src/ by default. If we want to add more files to our project, we need to tell Rust in src/ to look in other files; this is why mod client needs to be defined in src/ and can’t be defined in src/

Now, everything should compile successfully, though you’ll get a few warnings. Remember to use cargo build instead of cargo run since we have a library crate rather than a binary crate:

$ cargo build
   Compiling communicator v0.1.0 (file:///projects/communicator)

warning: function is never used: `connect`, #[warn(dead_code)] on by default
 --> src/
1 | fn connect() {
  | ^

warning: function is never used: `connect`, #[warn(dead_code)] on by default
 --> src/
4 |     fn connect() {
  |     ^

warning: function is never used: `connect`, #[warn(dead_code)] on by default
 --> src/
8 |         fn connect() {
  |         ^

These warnings tell us that we have functions that are never used. Don’t worry about those warnings for now; we’ll address them later in the chapter. The good news is that they’re just warnings; our project was built successfully!

Let’s extract the network module into its own file next, using the same pattern. In src/, delete the body of the network module and add a semicolon to the declaration, like so:

Filename: src/

mod client;

mod network;

Then create a new src/ file and enter the following:

Filename: src/

fn connect() {

mod server {
    fn connect() {

Notice that we still have a mod declaration within this module file; this is because we still want server to be a sub-module of network.

Now run cargo build again. Success! We have one more module to extract: server. Because it’s a sub-module—that is, a module within a module—our current tactic of extracting a module into a file named after that module won’t work. We’re going to try anyway so that we can see the error. First change src/ to have mod server; instead of the server module’s contents:

Filename: src/

fn connect() {

mod server;

Then create a src/ file and enter the contents of the server module that we extracted:

Filename: src/

fn connect() {

When we try to cargo build, we’ll get this error:

$ cargo build
   Compiling communicator v0.1.0 (file:///projects/communicator)
error: cannot declare a new module at this location
 --> src/
4 | mod server;
  |     ^^^^^^
note: maybe move this module `network` to its own directory via `network/`
 --> src/
4 | mod server;
  |     ^^^^^^
note: ... or maybe `use` the module `server` instead of possibly redeclaring it
 --> src/
4 | mod server;
  |     ^^^^^^

Listing 7-4: Error when trying to extract the server submodule into src/

The error says we cannot declare a new module at this location and is pointing to the mod server; line in src/ So src/ is different than src/ somehow; let’s keep reading to understand why.

The note in the middle of Listing 7-4 is actually pretty helpful, as it points out something we haven’t yet talked about doing:

note: maybe move this module network to its own directory via network/

Instead of continuing to follow the same file naming pattern we used previously, we can do what the note suggests:

  1. Make a new directory named network, the parent module’s name
  2. Move the src/ file into the new network directory and rename it so that it is now src/network/
  3. Move the submodule file src/ into the network directory

Here are commands to carry out these steps:

$ mkdir src/network
$ mv src/ src/network/
$ mv src/ src/network

Now if we try to cargo build, compilation will work (we’ll still have warnings though). Our module layout still looks like this, which is exactly the same as it did when we had all the code in src/ in Listing 7-3:

 ├── client
 └── network
     └── server

The corresponding file layout now looks like this:

├── src
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── network
│       ├──
│       └──

So when we wanted to extract the network::server module, why did we have to also change the src/ file into the src/network/ file, and also put the code for network::server in the network directory in src/network/, instead of just being able to extract the network::server into src/ The reason is that Rust wouldn’t be able to tell that server was supposed to be a submodule of network if the file was in the src directory. To make it clearer why Rust can’t tell, let’s consider a different example where we have this module hierarchy with all the definitions in src/

 ├── client
 └── network
     └── client

In this example, we have three modules again, client, network, and network::client. If we follow the same steps we originally did above for extracting modules into files, for the client module we would create src/ For the network module, we would create src/ Then we wouldn’t be able to extract the network::client module into a src/ file, because that already exists for the top-level client module! If we put the code in both the client and network::client modules in the src/ file, Rust would not have any way to know whether the code was for client or for network::client.

Therefore, once we wanted to extract a file for the network::client submodule of the network module, we needed to create a directory for the network module instead of a src/ file. The code that is in the network module then goes into the src/network/ file, and the submodule network::client can have its own src/network/ file. Now the top-level src/ is unambiguously the code that belongs to the client module.

Rules of Module File Systems

In summary, these are the rules of modules with regards to files:

  • If a module named foo has no submodules, you should put the declarations for foo in a file named

  • If a module named foo does have submodules, you should put the declarations for foo in a file named foo/

  • The first two rules apply recursively, so that if a module named foo has a submodule named bar and bar does not have submodules, you should have the following files in your src directory:

    ├── foo
    │   ├── (contains the declarations in `foo::bar`)
    │   └── (contains the declarations in `foo`, including `mod bar`)
  • The modules themselves should be declared in their parent module’s file using the mod keyword.

Next, we’ll talk about the pub keyword, and get rid of those warnings!