Generics Syntax
We've already hinted at the idea of generics in previous chapters, but we never dug into what exactly they are or how to use them. In places where we specify a type, like function signatures or structs, instead we can use generics. Generics are stand-ins that represent an abstract set instead of something concrete. In this section, we're going to cover generic data types.
You can recognize when any kind of generics are used by the way that they fit
into Rust's syntax: any time you see angle brackets, <>
, you're dealing with
generics. Types we've seen before, like in Chapter 8 where we discussed vectors
with types like Vec<i32>
, employ generics. The type that the standard library
defines for vectors is Vec<T>
. That T
is called a type parameter, and it
serves a similar function as parameters to functions: you fill in the parameter
with a concrete type, and that determines how the overall type works. In the
same way that a function like foo(x: i32)
can be called with a specific value
such as foo(5)
, a Vec<T>
can be created with a specific type, like
Duplicated Enum Definitions
Let's dive into generic data types in more detail. We learned about how to use
the Option<T>
enum in Chapter 6, but we never examined its definition. Let's
try to imagine how we'd write it! We'll start from duplicated code like we did
in the "Removing Duplication by Extracting a Function" section. This time,
we'll remove the duplication by extracting a generic data type instead of
extracting a function, but the mechanics of doing the extraction will be
similar. First, let's consider an Option
enum with a Some
variant that can
only hold an i32
. We'll call this enum OptionalNumber
Filename: src/
enum OptionalNumber {
fn main() {
let number = OptionalNumber::Some(5);
let no_number = OptionalNumber::None;
This works just fine for i32
s. But what if we also wanted to store f64
s? We
would have to duplicate code to define a separate Option
enum type for each
type we wanted to be able to hold in the Some
variants. For example, here is
how we could define and use OptionalFloatingPointNumber
Filename: src/
enum OptionalFloatingPointNumber {
fn main() {
let number = OptionalFloatingPointNumber::Some(5.0);
let no_number = OptionalFloatingPointNumber::None;
We've made the enum's name a bit long in order to drive the point home. With
what we currently know how to do in Rust, we would have to write a unique type
for every single kind of value we wanted to have either Some
or None
of. In
other words, the idea of "an optional value" is a more abstract concept than one
specific type. We want it to work for any type at all.
Removing Duplication by Extracting a Generic Data Type
Let's see how to get from duplicated types to the generic type. Here are the definitions of our two enums side-by-side:
enum OptionalNumber { enum OptionalFloatingPointNumber {
Some(i32), Some(f64),
None, None,
} }
Aside from the names, we have one line where the two definitions are very
close, but still different: the line with the Some
definitions. The only
difference is the type of the data in that variant, i32
and f64
Just like we can parameterize arguments to a function by choosing a name, we
can parameterize the type by choosing a name. In this case, we've chosen the
name T
. We could choose any identifier here, but Rust style has type
parameters follow the same style as types themselves: CamelCase. In addition,
they tend to be short, often one letter. T
is the traditional default choice,
short for 'type'. Let's use that name in our Some
variant definitions where
the i32
and f64
types were:
enum OptionalNumber { enum OptionalFloatingPointNumber {
Some(T), Some(T),
None, None,
} }
There's one problem, though: we've used T
, but not defined it. This would
be similar to using a parameter name in a function body without declaring it
in the signature. We need to tell Rust that we've introduced a generic
parameter. The syntax to do that is the angle brackets, like this:
enum OptionalNumber<T> { enum OptionalFloatingPointNumber<T> {
Some(T), Some(T),
None, None,
} }
The <>
s after the enum name indicate a list of type parameters, just like
after a function name indicates a list of value parameters. Now the only
difference between our two enum
s is the name. Since we've made them generic,
they're not specific to integers or floating point numbers anymore, so they can
have the same name:
enum Option<T> { enum Option<T> {
Some(T), Some(T),
None, None,
} }
Now they're identical! We've made our type fully generic. This definition is
also how Option
is defined in the standard library. If we were to read this
definition aloud, we'd say, "Option
is an enum
with one type parameter,
. It has two variants: Some
, which has a value with type T
, and None
which has no value." We can now use the same Option
type whether we're holding an i32
or an f64
let integer = Option::Some(5);
let float = Option::Some(5.0);
We've left in the Option::
namespace for consistency with the previous
examples, but since use Option::*
is in the prelude, it's not needed. Usually
using Option
looks like this:
let integer = Some(5);
let float = Some(5.0);
When you recognize situations with almost-duplicate types like this in your code, you can follow this process to reduce duplication using generics.
Monomorphization at Compile Time
Understanding this refactoring process is also useful in understanding how
generics work behind the scenes: the compiler does the exact opposite of this
process when compiling your code. Monomorphization means taking code that
uses generic type parameters and generating code that is specific for each
concrete type that is used with the generic code. Monomorphization is why
Rust's generics are extremely efficient at runtime. Consider this code that
uses the standard library's Option
let integer = Some(5);
let float = Some(5.0);
When Rust compiles this code, it will perform monomorphization. What this means
is the compiler will see that we've used two kinds of Option<T>
: one where
is i32
, and one where T
is f64
. As such, it will expand the generic
definition of Option<T>
into Option_i32
and Option_f64
, thereby replacing
the generic definition with the specific ones. The more specific version looks
like the duplicated code we started with at the beginning of this section:
Filename: src/
enum Option_i32 {
enum Option_f64 {
fn main() {
let integer = Option_i32::Some(5);
let float = Option_f64::Some(5.0);
In other words, we can write the non-duplicated form that uses generics in our code, but Rust will compile that into code that acts as though we wrote the specific type out in each instance. This means we pay no runtime cost for using generics; it's just like we duplicated each particular definition.
Generic Structs
In a similar fashion as we did with enums, we can use <>
s with structs as
well in order to define structs that have a generic type parameter in one or
more of their fields. Generic structs also get monomorphized into specialized
types at compile time. Listing 10-2 shows the definition and use of a Point
struct that could hold x
and y
coordinate values that are any type:
struct Point<T> {
x: T,
y: T,
fn main() {
let integer = Point { x: 5, y: 10 };
let float = Point { x: 1.0, y: 4.0 };
Listing 10-2: A Point
struct that holds x
and y
values of type T
The syntax is the same with structs: add a <T>
after the name of the struct,
then use T
in the definition where you want to use that generic type instead
of a specific type.
Multiple Type Parameters
Note that in the Point
definition in Listing 10-2, we've used the same T
parameter for both fields. This means x
and y
must always be values of the
same type. Trying to instantiate a Point
that uses an i32
for x
and an
for y
, like this:
let p = Point { x: 5, y: 20.0 };
results in a compile-time error that indicates the type of y
must match the
type of x
error[E0308]: mismatched types
7 | let p = Point { x: 5, y: 20.0 };
| ^^^^ expected integral variable, found floating-point variable
= note: expected type `{integer}`
= note: found type `{float}`
If we need to be able to have fields with generic but different types, we can
declare multiple type parameters within the angle brackets, separated by a
comma. Listing 10-3 shows how to define a Point
that can have different types
for x
and y
struct Point<X, Y> {
x: X,
y: Y,
fn main() {
let integer = Point { x: 5, y: 10 };
let float = Point { x: 1.0, y: 4.0 };
let p = Point { x: 5, y: 20.0 };
Listing 10-3: A Point
struct that holds an x
value of type X
and a y
value of type Y
Now x
will have the type of X
, and y
will have the type of Y
, and we
can instantiate a Point
with an i32
for x
and an f64
for y
We can make enum
s with multiple type parameters as well. Recall the enum
Result<T, E>
from Chapter 9 that we used for recoverable errors. Here's its
enum Result<T, E> {
Each variant stores a different kind of information, and they're both generic.
You can have as many type parameters as you'd like. Similarly to parameters of values in function signatures, if you have a lot of parameters, the code can get quite confusing, so try to keep the number of parameters defined in any one type small if you can.
Generic Functions and Methods
In a similar way to data structures, we can use the <>
syntax in function or
method definitions. The angle brackets for type parameters go after the
function or method name and before the parameter list in parentheses:
fn generic_function<T>(value: T) {
// code goes here
We can use the same process that we used to refactor duplicated type
definitions using generics to refactor duplicated function definitions using
generics. Consider these two side-by-side function signatures that differ in
the type of value
fn takes_integer(value: i32) { fn takes_float(value: f64) {
// code goes here // code goes here
} }
We can add a type parameter list that declares the generic type T
after the
function names, then use T
where the specific i32
and f64
types were:
fn takes_integer<T>(value: T) { fn takes_float<T>(value: T) {
// code goes here // code goes here
} }
At this point, only the names differ, so we could unify the two functions into one:
fn takes<T>(value: T) {
// code goes here
There's one problem though. We've got some function definitions that work,
but if we try to use value
in code in the function body, we'll get an
error. For example, the function definition in Listing 10-4 tries to print out
in its body:
fn show_anything<T>(value: T) {
println!("I have something to show you!");
println!("It's: {}", value);
Listing 10-4: A show_anything
function definition that does not yet compile
Compiling this definition results in an error:
error[E0277]: the trait bound `T: std::fmt::Display` is not satisfied
--> <anon>:3:37
3 | println!("It's: {}", value);
| ^^^^^ trait `T: std::fmt::Display` not satisfied
= help: consider adding a `where T: std::fmt::Display` bound
= note: required by `std::fmt::Display::fmt`
error: aborting due to previous error(s)
This error mentions something we haven't learned about yet: traits. In the next section, we'll learn how to make this compile.