Fearless Concurrency

So, with Rust, it's more subtle than that. That is, while threading proper isn't part of the language itself, Rust's type system is structured in such a way as to make it possible to build those kinds of libraries. In other words, Rust's focus on aliasability ends up solving these problems.

This is a library abstraction.

Shared mutable state is a problem. Both useful. Functional languages get rid of mutability.

Ownership rules (that tame the "shared" aspect) enable fearless concurrency: the compiler is making sure you don't shoot yourself in your foot.

What are threads

Rust's concurrency tradeoffs

Lots of different languages tackle this problem in different ways. We are not going to talk about that: exercise for the reader is investigate other languages and compare and contrast with Rust's approach.

This is how Rust does it, what rust means by threads

OS threads are exposed in the standard library bc a systems programming language should integrate with your system.

If you have a different threaded mechanism, you need a runtime, rust is trying to not have a heavy runtime.

These are the reasons Rust's concurrency model is this way as opposed to other language's ways, which are optimizing for different things.

Let's get a thread: thread::spawn

Code examples - just print stuff, no data sharing

Communicating between threads

Closures, Ownership, and Borrowing

The property of being allowed to use variables from the surrounding scope is also subject to all of the usual rules around ownership and borrowing. Since closures attempt to infer the types of their parameters, they also infer how those parameters are borrowed. Closures make that inference by looking at how they are used. Consider the example in Listing 13-5 that has functions that borrow immutably, borrow mutably, and move their parameters, then closures that reference values from their environment and call each of the functions. We'll see how this affects inference of when a value is borrowed:

Filename: src/main.rs
struct Foo;

fn borrows(f: &Foo) {
    println!("Took {:?} by reference.", f);

fn borrows_mut(f: &mut Foo) {
    println!("Took {:?} by mutable reference.", f);

fn moves(f: Foo) {
    println!("Took ownership of {:?}.", f);

fn main() {
    let f1 = Foo;
    let closure_that_borrows = |x| borrows(x);

    let mut f2 = Foo;
    let closure_that_borrows_mut = |y| borrows_mut(y);
    closure_that_borrows_mut(&mut f2);

    let f3 = Foo;
    let closure_that_moves = |z| moves(z);

Listing 16-something: Closures that borrow, borrow mutably, and take ownership of their parameters, which is inferred from how the closure body uses the parameters

Here, Rust is able to look at how we use the parameters of each closure inside their bodies. If the closure passes its parameter it to a function that takes &Foo, then the type of the parameter must be &Foo. If it passes the parameter to a function that takes &mut Foo, then the type of parameter must be &mut Foo, and so on. If we try to use f3 after the call to closure_that_moves in the last line of main, we'll get a compiler error since ownership of f3 was transferred to closure_that_moves, which transferred ownership to the function moves.

Overriding Inferred Borrowing with the move Keyword

Rust will allow you to override the borrowing inference by using the move keyword. This will cause all of the closure's parameters to be taken by ownership, instead of whatever they were inferred as. Consider this example:

let mut num = 4;

    let mut add_num = |x| num += x;


assert_eq!(10, num);

In this case, the add_num closure took a mutable reference to num, then when we called add_num, it mutated the underlying value. In the last line, num contains 10, as we'd expect. We also needed to declare add_num itself as mut too, because we're mutating its environment.

If we change the definition of add_num to a move closure, the behavior is different:

let mut num = 4;

    let mut add_num = move |x| num += x;


assert_eq!(4, num);

In the last line, num now contains 4: add_num took ownership of a copy of num, rather than mutably borrowing num.

One of the most common places you'll see the move keyword used is with threads, since it's important that one thread is no longer allowed to use a value once the value has been transferred to another thread through a closure in order to prevent data races. We'll talk more about that in Chapter XX.

Closures and Lifetimes

Remember Listing 10-8 from the Lifetime Syntax section of Chapter 10? It looked like this:

    let r;

        let x = 5;
        r = &x;

    println!("r: {}", r);

This example doesn't compile since x doesn't have a long enough lifetime. Because closures may borrow variables from their enclosing scope, we can construct a similar example with a closure that borrows x and tries to return that borrowed value. The code in Listing 13-6 also won't compile:

    let closure;

        let x = 4;

        closure = || x ; // A closure that takes no arguments and returns x.

Listing 16-something: A closure that tries to return a borrowed value that does not live long enough

We get an error because x does not live long enough:

error: `x` does not live long enough
8  |         closure = || x ; // A closure that takes no arguments and returns x.
   |                   -- ^ does not live long enough
   |                   |
   |                   capture occurs here
9  |     }
   |     - borrowed value only lives until here
10 | }
   | - borrowed value needs to live until here

To fix the error in the code in Listing 13-6, we can use the move keyword from the last section to make the closure take ownership of x. Because x is a number, it is a Copy type and therefore will be copied into the closure. The code in Listing 13-7 will compile:

    let closure;

        let mut x = 4;

        closure = move || x ; // A closure that takes no arguments and returns x.

        x = 5;

        assert_eq!(closure(), 4);

Listing 16-something: Moving a value into the closure to fix the lifetime error

Even though we modified x between the closure definition and assert_eq!, since closure now has its own version, the changes to x won't change the version of x that's in the closure.

Rust doesn't provide a way to say that some values a closure uses should be borrowed and some should be moved; it's either all by inference or all moved by adding the move keyword. However, we can accomplish the goal of borrowing some values and taking ownership of others by combining move with some extra bindings. Consider this example where we want to borrow s1 but take ownership of s2:

let s1 = String::from("hello");
let s2 = String::from("goodbye");

let r = &s1;

let calculation = move || {

println!("Can still use s1 here but not s2: {}", s1);

We've declared calculation to move all the values it references. Before defining calculation, we declare a new variable r that borrows s1. Then in the body of the calculation closure, we use r instead of using s1 directly. The closure takes ownership of r, but r is a reference, so the closure hasn't taken ownership of s1 even though calculation uses move.


Look up examples of cases where channels are useful

Can match modeling of certain problems


Send is a trait that means i'm allowed to transfer ownership to another thread down a channel

What things can be send and what can't?

Sharing data between threads

Try to share data and get an error about which trait it doesn't implement


It's ok to access a thing from multiple threads at once

Immutable things can be sync easily.


Atomic Reference Counting. Inner data still has to be immutable.

Steve knows the motivating code that goes here.


For mutable data.

lock method, you get a Mutex guard. Change, then unlock, which usually happens automatically when the Mutex guard goes out of scope. If you do this wrong, your code will hang.

Deadlocks are safe, you have to manage that yourself. Deadlock bugs usually happen bc you forget to unlock, but drop unlocks automatically.

Maybe make the I/O project concurrent?

Might be a lot of boilerplate without scoped threads, maybe just allude.

This is a really rough sketch of some ideas that this chapter might cover.

From a comment of steveklabnik's on the definitely not orange website. "that paper" refers to Boehm 2004.

So for example, in that paper, 4.1 is about the problem of concurrent modifiability. And indeed, it says

Indeed, under the implementation strategy we outlined above, in which the compiler is unaware of threads, it is allowed to transform code subject only to sequential correctness constraints and hence could generate the code containing a race.

However, in Rust, this re-ordering can't happen: Rust won't let you alias x and y between two threads without some sort of synchronization primitive. But this isn't because Rust knows about concurrency, it's because Rust knows about aliasing. In a sense, Rust-the-language makes this program impossible to write, but a library re-enables you to write this program. You need unsafe to do this, but it's all wrapped up inside of the implementation of, for example, Mutex.

From the last part of this section:

Resolving it essential requires a programming-language-defined and compiler-respected memory model, simply to ensure that the user and compiler can agree on when there is a data race.

We're in agreement here, but the model is built around aliasing, not concurrency.

4.2 is about speculatively executing store instructions. I know less about this, but again, it's built on the idea of two threads accessing data at the same time, unsynchronized. This can't happen in Rust due to the aliasing rules.

4.3 is about register promotion. This cannot happen in Rust, because you don't call a function to acquire the lock, then do whatever you want. Mutex hides the value it's locking inside of itself, unable to be accessed from the outside, and the call to acquire the lock returns a mutable reference to the inner data. The call to acquire the lock is the only way to get said reference, and Rust's aliasing rules will forbid any other kind of access through the returned reference. So this kind of transformation can't happen in Rust either.

Section 5 is about performance. It's true that synchronization primitives are expensive. Rust can again use unsafe code in a disciplined way to provide safe concurrent modification, while ruling out data races entirely. For example, consider a simple map operation. We take an array of integers, and for each element, add one to it. This is an embarrassingly parallel operation, yet, as the paper mentions, with a pthreads-style approach to making it safe, one would need either a single lock around the whole array, which destroys the concurrency entirely, or some set of more fine-grained locks, which introduce cost, as well as limiting the amount of concurrency to some degree.

But with a small utility function, which performs a small (ie, non-atomic) check at runtime, we can safety split up our array into as many disjoint chunks as we'd like, and then pass each one off to its own thread, which is free to do the modification with no more synchronization needed. In fact, libraries like Rayon can even determine roughly the correct amount for you, if you don't want to think about it, and it will near-transparently just handle this for you (you change a call from iter() to par_iter() and you're done).

So yeah. I'm in agreement with the paper that the language needs to do some kind of reasoning, but since aliasing and concurrency are so tightly related, I would argue that the language could understand only aliasing, not concurrency, and then library abstractions are sufficient.


Check out this awesome explanation of Arc.